Do I downplay hard things as I post about my experiences and observations of my “retirement daze”?
Friko’s recent post here about blogs that seem to chronicle perfect, fabulous lives sparked an outpouring of lively comments. Her post and the resulting comments led me to critically examine my own blogging habits. The result was this comment that I left on her blog:
“I sometimes blog about the not-so-happy stuff. But usually when I have experienced hard, unpleasant, painful or sad things, I really don't want to experience them again by writing about them unless I can identify a positive element, a launching point for joy, growth, thankfulness, healing or humor.
If I choose to look for the positive, I find it in abundance, at times even in the form of piercing joy. The alternative is a spiral into my susceptibility to crippling negativity.”
Duh! This lesson is so simple, but I still need occasional refresher courses. I am thankful for such blogs as Friko’s and the comments shared by other denizens of the blogosphere. Blogging is fun, entertaining and informative; it creates rewarding connections; and on top of all that, it is good therapy!
How do I let my to-do list get so long and malicious?
Here’s how I do it. Sigh.
1. List several big items and mentally set unrealistic deadlines and expectations.
2. Procrastinate in an attempt to banish the feeling of being overwhelmed.
3. Obsess over the big picture.
4. Forget that breaking the big picture into small, easier to accomplish tasks works.
5. Embrace the paralysis that 1-5 produce.
So here I sit, officially reminding myself: Finish one little thing.