Our Georgia clan joins Baboo and Nana in
“official” record of a September 2014 Smokies visit. (Photo by Husband Walter)
This time last year Husband Walter and I were
enjoying adventures and refreshingly cool temperatures with our oldest son and
his family, camping in the Elkmont Canpground in the Smoky Mountains National Park.
Those memories of our grandchildren experiencing
the Smokies heightened my anticipation of the July 2015 gathering of 17 members
of the Skupien tribe, once again in Elkmont Campground.
A few Skupiens sharing family fun during our July 2015 gathering in the Smokies. (Photo by Husband Walter)
What a blessing it was to me for cousins to discover outdoor fun together and become better acquainted
with two generations of uncles and aunts.
Good memories, anticipation, and fun with
family in that restorative mountain environment all create a heady mix that
feeds my Smoky Mountain addiction.