February is my birthday month, and I initially intended to follow the example of fellow blogger Freda at What’s the Story in Dalamory. She launched her 2011 birthday month with this brief and understated post on March 5, 2011, about her strategy: “This is my birthday month. Now what treats can be scheduled? Detailed planning is required.”
She followed up with periodic briefs chronicling her BMTs (birthday month treats). They ranged from a walk in her garden and carving out quiet time for some light reading to more elaborate, caloric and festive treats.
When Day 1 of my own 2012 birthday month arrived, though, I felt like the mental gymnastics required for planning and executing a daily treat, no matter how simple, were beyond me at this stage of my stroke recovery.
But the idea of a treat a day was such a great, happy idea. I decided I could still enjoy a birthday treat every day. Instead of planning I would just tune into the moment and stay on high alert for things that gave me a joy .
By Feb. 3 I was patting myself on the back for my brilliance--three days and three happy treats. By Day 6, I realized I needed to keep a list on my computer. Then I could blog about my daily treats. I really did intend to do that but it just didn’t happen. Now I can’t remember all of them or the dates on which the ones I do remember occurred.
I doubt that I am the only stroke survivor who has found that their “want to do” is bigger than their ability to get it all done.
There is always next year. For this year I can assure you that every day of February did bring an extra special treat. I have finally posted about some of them and plan a few more posts about February’s joys. And even though I can no longer recall all of my “treats” specifically, I will always remember my surprise, happiness and excitement about the treats that came my way in my birthday month, without any effort on my part.
I wonder, is the decision to watch for daily “treats” an exercise of faith, a form of prayer or is it too frivolous to be considered so? What do you think? Regardless of the answer, I am thankful and consider my birthday month a spirit-stretching experience.
Thank you to Freda and to friends, family and other blogging buddies who delivered treats verbal, visual and edible.
Other Birthday Month Posts