Spring weather is here, at least for a while. Cool weather veggies presently occupy the limited number of sunny spots available at our home. No beds are prepped for wonderful spring color.
But a trip yesterday to the local Lowes building and garden supply store offered me a happy feast of gorgeous plants that were on sale and splashing their fantastic color all around.
Purple pleasure
All I went home with were two tomato plants. I had beds ready for them. If I buy plants – or accept pass-along plants -- before I have their new homes ready for them, they are likely to die before I get them planted. I have learned that the hard way, by killing numerous innocent flowers and shrubs.
Today I was out early, actually enjoying weeding around red sails lettuce, romaine lettuce and English pea plants. I also enjoyed a little green visitor to my bucket of hand tools and other gardening paraphernalia.
Tree frog on a leather work glove
Posing for a closeup
Ready to jump to escape the camera
Giving me that “Back off, paparazzi!” glare
My little visitor matched the description and looked like the photos of the green tree frog, Hyla cinerea, shown here on the U.S Geological Survey site. Hyla finally parted company with my gardening equipment, but it was an enjoyable visit for me.
Happy day!