Walt, our oldest son,
celebrated birthday Number 41 today. What a special gift! Happy Birthday, Walt.
Christmas blues
Husband Walter has
been under the weather since Friday. We made a late night visit to the ER.
Saturday and Sunday he had no interest in food, not even a nibble, but I am
thankful that he seems to be feeling better today.
He ate a bit of
chicken noodle soup and a few crackers. That was my go to medicine in a
Campbell’s can when I was a child. I hope he derived as much comfort from that
soup as I used to.
He felt well enough
to take me to therapy this morning and follow that short trip with longer
last-minute forays to finish Christmas shopping. We both followed up on that
excursion with collapse and naps.
Blogging break
We will be spending
time with family members who are traveling to visit during this season. I am
looking forward to the visits of our sons and their families and my brother and
his family from Virginia.
I am not looking
forward to being without my laptop. It seems the graphics card is in a
not-so-slow-decline. I have backed up everything except my draft of this post.
My beloved MacBook Pro will travel back to Baton Rouge with youngest son
Jeremy. He will deliver it to the Apple Store for shipping to the Apple docs.
He is no stranger to
the personnel there, and I am confident the laptop is in good hands. But blogging
will be seldom to not at all until the patient is returned to my care in what I
hope is a healthy condition.
Therapy has resumed
I have been approved
for 15 more sessions with my occupational therapist at the neuro rehab center.
I went through the evaluation routine Thursday Dec. 13 and had my first session
Monday, Dec. 17.
It felt great to be
back working with my creative therapist. Joared, a blogger friend who has
professional experience in the therapy field, articulated precisely what I felt
during my Monday session.
Her whole comment was
informative, but here is her observation that summed up my return to therapy:
“Sure, your daily
activities benefit you, but understand how you feel most positively about the
concentrated structure and supervision of actual therapy sessions.”
Joared is a speech
therapist and her comments on my posts often contain nuggets of practical
advice. Although I often want to join in the commenting conversation following
some of her posts, I have had no success signing in to comment on her blog
Along the Way.
Hers is not the only
blog where I am unable to comment. I have yet to find what the difference is
between Blogger blogs where I can comment and those where I cannot.
Dec. 3, I acted on a fellow blogger’s suggestion to change my settings on who could comment. As of Dec. 3 none of those auto-generated messages has shown up in the spam folder, but I wonder if any real people are having problems commenting. If you are, please email me.
Dec. 3, I acted on a fellow blogger’s suggestion to change my settings on who could comment. As of Dec. 3 none of those auto-generated messages has shown up in the spam folder, but I wonder if any real people are having problems commenting. If you are, please email me.
Our kids and grands
will be arriving the day after Christmas, and the parents are helping with what
promises to be a simplified Christmas meal this year. It makes me happy that
they are creating the tradition of celebrating Christmas morning at home with
their offspring.
Their day-after
schedule will also give me a bit more opportunity to finish wrapping, bagging
and tagging gifts. I know kids of all ages like ripping into wrapped presents.
But wherever bagging works, that is how I will be finishing up. One-handed
wrapping is frustrating. If I were not so last minute, I probably could have
used some of the new products to make the process more doable.
At least one ability
has not been affected by my stroke. As I bag or wrap the remaining gifts for my
family, I can still pray for each one and enjoy thinking about the love and joy
each one brings into my life.
And that is a gift
too big to be wrapped or bagged.
May your Christmas be
filled with love and joy.