Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Technical difficulties

To all those fellow bloggers who I love to visit, digest their latest post and sometimes offer a comment, we are experiencing technical difficulties with our Internet connection here AND maybe Blogger, too. Since I am technologically challenged, and turning things off and on hasn't worked, it may take me longer to figure out what is happening. ARGHHHH!


  1. Oh, don't you just hate it when that happens? So frustrating!! Yes, the first thing is to find out if it is blogger, or your computer, or your internet provider. Hope it's fixed quickly!

  2. oh no, i hate when that happens. good luck

  3. It's frustrating, isn't it? But no worry! People tend to hang out till you come back anyway. :) And so we will!

  4. Hang in there. I'll be here when things get straightened out.
    I am totally at the mercy of my computer. Hope you find someone that can fix things for you.
