Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A no-technology zone

Molly Kate, left, and Stella snatch Nana’s hiking stick for their Smoky Mountain choreography.

One of the great joys of our July Smoky Mountain trip was seeing our grandchildren and one great nephew having fun sans electronics. They reconnected with each other, made up their own versions of chase, played hide and seek, climbed rocks, tubed and waded streams and became acquainted with Smoky Mountain fauna.

 A reunion of granddaughters: Stella, left, Molly Kate and Charlie

Muddy feet, evidence that even a girly girl may succumb to the call of a Smokies’ stream.

Oldest grand Luke corrals cards that had adults and kids in gales of laughter. 

Grandson Nate, 9, is armed with his foam weapon, coveted by both boy and girl siblings and cousins.

Great nephew Ashton, a 9-year-old fledgling entomologist, was as intrigued as I was with the colorful butterflies that shared Elkmont Campground with us in July. 

In spite of Ashton’s help and the butterfly’s cooperation, my faulty balance kept the swallowtail out of focus. But I don’t want to forget Ashton’s and the butterfly’s part in making our July trip a pleasure, so less than perfect images will have a place in this post and in my heart.

 Ashton with campground resident

 Jewel-toned swallowtail wings


  1. What a delightful time you all had. I think such outings should be mandatory for kids today so they don't forget how to play and enjoy the world beyond the glowing screen. Your grands have not forgotten.

  2. Those wonderful photos and memories, will keep you going all winter long!!!

  3. Lovely photos, and I especially like the one with the beautiful butterfly. Lovely. Dianne

  4. Your vacation photos just ooze love.
    Amazing butterflies that land on the fingers.
    Love these pictures.
