Monday, October 14, 2013

From where I sit: Bridal Veil Falls

We detoured on our way to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, to visit a drive-through waterfall. U.S. Highway 64 originally hugged the mountain and ran right under the waterfall about 2.3 miles north of Highlands, North Carolina.

Bridal Veil Falls 

Now a short section of the original roadway offers the opportunity to drive through the falling water, near where a newer section of the highway avoids the falls.

Drive through

Traffic, uneven terrain, and a major attack of being a total fraidy cat kept me seated in our van while Husband Walter moved around capturing the falls and our van from different perspectives.
My under-the-falls view from inside our van

 At a faster shutter speed

My “from-where-I-sit” photos in this post and Hubby’s photos on his blog here all remind me of the happy day we had.

The idea of photos “from-where-I-sit”  originated many moons ago from a post by Sandra at her blog Mad Snapper. Her photos prompted me to look at my surroundings more intently. The idea offered a post-stroke challenge that engaged me in the early days of stroke recovery when I was in a wheelchair. 

It is also an approach to photography that chases away occasional frustration with myself when I don’t feel confident that post-stroke balance is up to my moving around independently to take photos safely.

Thank you, Mad Snapper!


  1. i remember that post, sit and shoot i think it was... glad you can sit and shoot and i had no idea that a car could drive under a water fall. amazing... and i am a big scardey cat to... you did great... i will hop over and see the rest of the photos

  2. Terrific take on from where I sit.
    A Drive thru waterfall is so unique.
    Love your pictures and how you approach life.
    Keep doing what you do.
    Have a wonderful day.

  3. Now that is an amazingl car wash. I didn't know anything like that existed. You are doing great with your sit, point and shoot.

  4. I know that water is clean and cool. Tastes good too. Dianne

  5. A free car wash!! Beautiful part of the country, thanks for sharing your perspective.

  6. Just lovely stuff. :) I do a lot of that.

  7. You and your husband seem to have the nicest outings. Sure beats staying at home. Thanks for the photos.

  8. Fascinating and enjoyable post.

  9. This looks like a beautiful place. I love your idea of taking photos from where you sit. It shows your adaptability and positive attitude. I love that! It is so easy to slide into wishing we could be where we no longer can be. It is great to take in where we are more closely. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. A drive thru waterfall! How neat! I enjoyed your under-the-falls view, by the way:)
