Monday, December 6, 2010

Wish granted: Bellingrath Gardens 2010

Toyland in lights
Yes, the desire to visit Bellingrath Gardens’ Christmas lights – expressed in my previous post—was fulfilled spectacularly Saturday evening.

Ginny from "Let Your Light Shine" left a comment on my earlier post asking to see more Bellingrath photos. Her similar post of beautiful 2009 Christmas lights from a Richmond, VA, garden had prompted my "wish list" post. So Ginny, thanks for the encouragement. For a look at her latest photos featuring a few unusual lighted decorations in her area, go to her Dec. 5 post here.

Two little ones joining our group this year – plus record numbers of visitors sharing the gardens with us -- changed the photo dynamics.

Grandson Walker The Reindeer and mom Katie enjoying a world of lights during our wait for tickets

Once inside the gardens, granddaughter Molly Kate was enamored with a living room complete with fireplace, milk and cookies for Santa, all in lights. She was so excited that she abandoned her “no pictures” policy temporarily. She actually asked us to take her picture with the “house.”
Molly Kate picks her spot, poses and says “cheese” right on cue.

Yep, this Nana was just as interested in photographing grandchildren as capturing images of lights. Of even more interest was seeing six-month-old Walker’s reactions and participating in non-stop conversations with an enthusiastic two-and-a-half year old.
Walker taking everything in

The huge crowds, all friendly, congenial, courteous and patient, did limit photo opportunities, but the enjoyment was unlimited.

Grandma Sugar made the trip with us for the second year in a row, this time agreeing to use a wheelchair for the long, up-hill-and-down-hill stroll through the gardens. I had to include the photo below of two lovely good samaritans. I was traveling light with no way to record their names, but they rescued Grandma and me from uncooperative double doors at the top of a steeply inclined entry. And they were not the only good samaritans of the night.
 Good Samaritans helped Grandma Sugar and me.

Just a few more snaps:


Rocking horse and top

What was Molly Kate’s favorite?  No hesitation from this little one. It was the same as mine. “The ocean.” I had no chance to take 2010 photos in this underwater habitat. Molly Kate and I were too busy walking among the lighted crabs, seahorses, flounder, squid, jellies, seastars and other electric sea creatures.
Undersea scenes from 2009

What a night! Enjoying Bellingrath, one of my favorite Christmas treats, with loved ones, plus the presence of good samaritans, congenial crowds, and courteous, efficient staff—all lights that glowed even brighter for me than the beautiful scenes lighted by electricity. Truly a magic Christmas in lights!


  1. I LOVE these! Walker's eyes are so big with excitement!! Just as much fun to see their reactions as to see the lights! How old is Molly? Your vivid descriptions make everything sound like such fun!! Thanks for mentioning my blog, as well!

  2. These displays and lights are wonderful.
