Friday, March 25, 2011

And the thrill continues

Your blog post published successfully!

Those of you who use Blogger are probably familiar with that phrase. I get a thrill when I see that notice come up after I click the “Publish Post” button. It is sort of like my personal award ceremony announcement. Linda Skupien, your blog has published successfully! My own little Oscar night and I don’t even have to get out of my pajamas!

And the thrill continues when I view the post on my blog. Oh, I have to go back and forth a number of times to edit. And then there are some weird typeface and spacing things that happen occasionally that I can’t seem to figure out how to correct. But so far I have survived intermittent Blogger frustrations.

This post is my 236th since my inaugural post on November 3, 2009. I have recorded impressions and experiences that I want to remember about this phase of my life, and I have enjoyed becoming a citizen of the blogosphere.

One of the best things about blogging is making new friends, gaining new insights from their posts, and sharing moments of their life journeys that often have a profound effect on the way I view my own day-to-day encounters, joys and challenges.

But I have to wonder about that announcement “Your blog post published successfully!” Maybe I am being trained like Pavlov’s dogs with the instant gratification that the announcement supplies. 



  1. The successful blog post is filled with all kinds of emotions for sure. I also find myself editing all over again a few times. I just don't see the mistakes until it is in print.

    Blogging has brought an entirely new perspective to my life. I love meeting fellow bloggers. I've learned so much through blogging. Mostly, I like the way it broadens my perceptions on life at this stage of the game.

  2. The successful blog post is filled with all kinds of emotions for sure. I also find myself editing all over again a few times. I just don't see the mistakes until it is in print.

    Blogging has brought an entirely new perspective to my life. I love meeting fellow bloggers. I've learned so much through blogging. Mostly, I like the way it broadens my perceptions on life at this stage of the game.

  3. Ha ha ha! I like the Pavlov's dog comment. I think you may be onto something! And I agree with you about making new friends. I've been able to meet a few of my blogging friends over time, and it is so much fun getting to know the *real* people behind the blogs. I haven't met a bad bloggy buddy yet!

  4. You're funny, but true!! I never thought of it that way, but I get the same little bit of excitement when I click to publish. Well, you have to get your kicks wherever you can!!

  5. This really is a wonderful medium isn't it? Congrats on 236 and keep them coming.

  6. oh no, i have been missing that annoucement... i put mine on autopost and it post while i am asleep. i do look for the one when i am commenting that says your comment has been saved. phew and thank you so i don't have to type it again, thats if remember what i wrote. did you know you can preview your post before you publish? and then fix what is wrong before publish.

  7. I love that feeling too. Another one out into the blogosphere. The friendships came as a surprise to me and they are, by far, the best part of this blogging thing.

  8. I got scared for a moment because it sounded as if you were leaving. Keep writing. I don't always have time to respond, but I love your blog. Dianne

  9. It's so nice to hear that another expriences those same emotions and frustrations with blogging! What is up with that spacing on blogger sometimes(???), and yes, I love the feeling that comes with seeing that I've been published, too :)

    Congrats on your accomplishments, and I'm looking forward to many more!
