Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mall Walking

Sculpture created out of wood salvaged from hurricane debris

Edgewater Mall in our region has reportedly reopened. Prior to COVID-19, Edgewater Mall was a great venue for Hubby and me to walk indoors for exercise. Whether weather was hot and humid or frigid, the mall was always a good temperature.

Our mall walking will probably get back on our agenda when soaring temperatures and blood-sucking insects make walking outside a challenge. 

Then we will enjoy the mall's mild temperatures and comfortable seating areas that offer rest stops when my energy runs out before we make the full circuit.

There is also the entertainment of people-watching and art and photo displays that feature people, places and businesses that are part of our coastal Mississippi history.

The stallion in the photo above was created with wood salvaged from mountains of debris left behind by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. Katrina's winds and giant storm surge ripped structures apart and pushed the debris far from the original locations.

In earlier decades, a Friday jaunt to the mall was a treat for our family. These days we walk and occasionally shop at the mall. But most of our shopping now is online or at Walmart. 

I wonder if our mall will survive. There are already empty spaces, and the days are gone of shoppers young and old thronging the stores.

The only other indoor mall on the coast closed a number of years ago. One store remains in operation. That company was not a mall tenant. It owned its site. The rest of the mall structure was demolished. 

Were there ever any indoor malls in your area? If there is one still in operation, do you shop there?



  1. No, we are too tiny for an indoor mall but I would like one for the walking aspect. Previously, several of us used Walmart to walk when the weather got ugly.

    1. Pre-COVID I would walk Walmart while Hubby shopped. It is definitely an option in our hot,humid summers.

  2. the pandemic has ruined ours. there was only one store left and a few tiny shops barely hanging on. Penny's was the 4th and last anchor store there. now they say it will not reopen, all the Penny's stores have filed for bankrupcyt. our mall has been dead for 10 years and now it is even worse

  3. I hope it doesn't close! Malls are so good for walking and socializing safely. They have been going out of style for awhile now, and I don't know why. Our small city does not have a mall, but we do have a big town center, it is like a huge strip shopping center.

  4. I also remember the time when Friday evenings meant a trip to the mall. The place was usually full and there was likely more visiting than shopping.That same building is still a mall, but very few people are there.

  5. Indoor malls, where families shopped and teenagers hung out, are no longer the place to go. I live near the King of Prussia Mall which is the largest or second largest mall in the country. I used to go there years ago, but it has been updated and much larger. If has only high end stores and I don’t fit in that category. Most of our other malls have closed, many becoming medical centers. If I need anything special, I go to an outdoor shopping center. I do rather be outside, even if the weather is not perfect. The pendulum has swung back again.

  6. Boy, has our mall ever changed. It did have 4 major dept. stores, and now all but one is gone, and I keep telling Roger it is getting ready to close, too. And the thing is, that was where I went for at least some of my clothes. I do not like to buy clothes or shoes without trying them on.

    I love that horse...I always admire the people that can create things like this.

  7. The malls in our area are a dying breed...closing right and left as ordering on line takes over everything. It's really sad.
    That horse sculpture is beautiful. I really like repurposed art. Hope you are doing well.
