Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Smoky Mountain Selfie

Early in an October 2019 trip I alerted Hubby that when he takes selfies, his concentration is so intense that he frowns in nearly every picture.

"Please smile," I urged. His response was a series of exaggerated facial contortions. Camera-shaking laughter erupted from both of us. There were no award-winning selfies for our traditional sign photo and thankfully no frowns, either. 

Fun in the mountains



  1. selfies are hard to take, but at least your hubby will do it. mine refuses

  2. by the way, this photo made ME smile

  3. That one turned out great. I have a friend who always looks angry in hers.

  4. This selfie was great. A friend and I exchange silly selfies on occasion. They make me laugh!

  5. Awww...I do so love this selfie of you two.
    Dave and I are terrible at selfies. We either cut someone's head off or the shot is up the nose or some thing just as strange. It's fun though and we have had a lot of laughs over them.
    Keep doing them...it's great to have photos together.

  6. This is a beautiful and joyful picture of both of you. Just perfect.

  7. This is a beautiful photo. those smiles are charming.

  8. You look so beautiful, and your husband looks nice, too.
