Thursday, March 27, 2014

Stroke Recovery: Botox soon

O happy day. Botox is on the way!

Thanks so much, dear friends, for the prayers and good thoughts. God’s answer was even better than getting a call to fill in on another patient’s cancelled appointment, which was what I had hoped for.

Instead, one of Dr. B’s physician assistants called and rescheduled my May appointment to April 9, just 13 days away and on target for the botox to occur on schedule. And, on top of that, in another huge serving of happy, she went ahead and scheduled appointments for the June follow up to the April 9 treatment and a July appointment for the third of my four yearly botox treatments.

She also told me to call her if I ever run into delays on my botox appointments again. She said the schedulers have no leeway, but she can sometimes tweak here and there to keep me on track with the treatments.

I went back and read the post that included my whining about the botox delay. It was at the end of a post here. I had forgotten that I expressed my desire for a guilt-free appointment. 

But God doesn’t forget. Thank you, God.

Whoo hoo! I am doing a happy dance in my head. 


  1. I'm doing the Happy Dance too!!
    Isn't God Amazing?
    He hears our prayers and knows our desires.
    This is just the Best!!!

  2. Wonderful news. And it sounds as if things are looking better for the future.
    Blessings from Dalamory

  3. happy dance happy dance for this appt and for the future ones and you are now Guilt Free...

  4. Terrific! I am so glad the assistant was able to squeeze you in earlier. Yes, God was listening to you.

  5. Oh boy, how really cool is this. Sometimes God has such a sense of humor. Now you know what to do in case of a delay in the future too.

  6. Oh I'm so happy for you!!! God is good and remains faithful to his flock. Enjoy the weekend!

  7. Blessed be. So glad you will get relief but even better, scheduled appts. Ahhh.

  8. There are angels among us!

  9. Well, there we have it: another answer to prayer. This is just awesome. I think some these nurses are true miracle workers. I have found that they can really champion your needs. Bless this dear nurse.

  10. We have had similar experiences with the Mayo Clinic. Knowing the right people helps in a lot of ways and is such a relief when things work out. Once a doctor from another clinic told my wife she should wait a year and at "your age" the tumor would go away on its own. We got a second opinion at Mayo and they checked her out, I told the surgeon she was a nervous wreck, later that afternoon he said to her, referring to surgery "how about tomorrow." It was ovarian cancer and they saved her life....

  11. That's great news! God is good :)
