Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Georgia grandboys

Nate, left, and Luke pose for Baboo in front of their Taekwondo school. (Photo by Walter Skupien)

I count watching grandkids engaged in their sports and arts instruction as prime entertainment. I had been hearing about our Georgia grandsons’ martial arts lessons for awile. 

I was pleased with the opportunity to be on hand for their Saturday Taekwondo session during a February trip to Georgia.


Taekwondo is a Korean martial art. It combines combat and self-defense techniques with sport and exercise (Wikipedia). I was impressed with the stretching, introduction to meditation techniques and exercises to develop core strength that I saw. 

Some of the exercises were the same ones I do at home as part of my stroke therapy. In addition to building strength, the session included exercises for speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina.

 Jumping rope  (Photo by Walter Skupien)

I especially liked the emphasis on courtesy and respect. From what I observed the instructors modeled that behavior and required that the students extend courtesy and respect to fellow students, instructors and parents.

These boys are growing up so fast. I am thankful for Walt and Sarah’s attention to all facets of their physical, intellectual and spiritual development while giving them freedom to make and learn from mistakes and consequences of immature judgment.

Our oldest grandchildren, Luke, right, 11, and Nate, 9  (Photo by Walter Skupien)


  1. It looks like and lot of fun and body and mind enhancement can't be beat..;)

  2. These are great photos, and I congratulate Walter for doing such a wonderful job. My brother took both taekwondo and karate when he was a teenager. He was very athletic and learned how to surf, too. Memories!

  3. Nice as apple pie. George and I became soccer experts at one point. For me, even if I didn't understand, the pleasure was in being there with the kids.

  4. The boys certainly seem to enjoy their sport! They are super cute, too!

  5. Oh to be able to do those bends again. Good for Luke and Nate !
