Thursday, May 24, 2012

One Stroky’s Journey: Birthday Boy

Cool birthday dude

Water babies
Our son and daughter-in-law definitely have a handle on what transports their offspring into realms of ecstatic delight. Both little brother Walker and big sister Molly Kate love the water, and Walker’s celebration was a “splash” party May 19, one week after his May 12 birth date anniversary.

That Saturday Walker and Molly Kate convinced their mom to release them into the backyard where three blow-up pools and three whimsical blow-up water toys were waiting for the celebration to start at 11 a.m.

At her okay, the siblings started partying at 7:30 a.m. and were happily in and out of the little pool all morning until guests arrived. When their two eight-year-old cousins started running then jumping and diving into the “big-boy” pool, Walker launched a determined effort to join them (one end of the bigger pool is visible behind the little pool in the first photo).

Mom and Dad finally relented and let the birthday boy get into the bigger pool. The cousins’ splashes from their dives repeatedly flooded Walker’s face. His determination to maintain “big-boy” status was clear, though. When a deluge hit, he would just turn his head, sputter and keep possession of his spot in the big pool. The splash party was a big hit with Walker and his guests.

I counted it a real treat to be on hand for his two-year birthday celebration. Last year it was less than a month after my stroke, and I was still hospitalized in the in-patient rehab center when it was time for his first birthday party.

At this year's celebration I was walking around, cautiously. I felt a little too unbalanced to get into position to take many photos in the midst of all the energetic activity. But I was navigating most of the time without help among the kid and adult celebrants. Walker wasn’t the only one who did some fine-tuning of his walking skills in the past year!

Once it was time for lunch, daughter-in-law Katie dressed the brother and sister in coordinated T-shirts and shorts in the party’s crab theme. I am disappointed I didn’t get a pix of them in their outfits, but I am counting om their mom posting a photo soon so I can borrow it and enjoy.

Walker was still more interested in the water than lunch. I, however, gleefully used up my sodium allotment for a month. I enjoyed pulled pork, potato salad, slaw, baked beans, plus my first ever Cajun boudin, a pork and rice dressing stuffed in pork casings. Yum!

Sleepy eyes 
After lunch Walker was all smiles as the assembled relatives sang happy birthday and the older kids helped blow out candles on his cake. Even though he looked about ready to fall asleep, he sampled icing on a cupcake, opened presents with a little help from his sister and cousins, played with a few new toys then told his mother “shirt off”!

Katie obliged, and the birthday boy was soon back in the water, his favorite birthday place to be.

Remembering when!
Baboo soaks up quality time with an almost brand-new Walker.


  1. my favorite shot is the last one, that is beyond sweet. what fun with all that water and the menu has me drooling

  2. What wonderful pictures! He does look ready to drop off to sleep right on that cupcake. I am amazed that he was able to stay awake for all the other things. How wonderful you could be there this time for all the festivities and wonderful food! I LOVE this last picture!!!

  3. Love that before picture. They grow up way too fast.
    Funny how he was willing to put up with a face full of water to hold on to his "big boy" status. Growing up has some perils.
    Nice that you have a salt bank account you can draw on.

  4. haha. I loved this post! How wonderful that he was allowed into the big boy pool. Very important to a guy, you know! I am glad you are healthy enough to walk now. Impressed with your progress.

  5. Oh that blue frosting looks good. My kids spent hours in their blowup pool. Wonderful invention. I love Molly Kate's eyewear. Dianne

  6. Such precious memories for you.
    Walker is part fish I think.
    Adore that last shot of the newborn Walker and his sweet Baboo.
