Monday, October 24, 2022

Strategic Praying

Hubby and I had traveled in rain, coming and going, for the September 9 wedding of nephew Matthew and his bride Katelyn. But the outdoor rehearsal and wedding festivities had beautiful weather both days. 

My prayers for safe travels and good weather for the wedding had been answered

I learned from my late mother-in-law's example. Her practice was to pray specific about everything, even if it was just a trip to the grocery store. 

Her sister Juanita was also a prayer warrior. She was a nurse and was often called on in the middle of the night to attend the entry of new little ones into the family. 

Since she was working full day shifts at the local hospital, she was beginning to suffer burnout from the late night vigils with relatives who wanted Aunt Nita to be on hand for their infant's debut. 

Her solution presented me with another example about the power of praying specifically. 

She started praying that all those babies of relatives and friends would arrive during her daytime shift. 

God answered. She was able to be with those expectant moms during her regular working hours. 

We alerted her when I went into labor with our second son. We left for the hospital mid-afternoon. Son number two was born about five p.m., near the end of his great aunt's day shift! 



  1. A unique story about the power of prayer.

  2. So happy the weather cooperated for the wedding. And what a cool story about the power of Prayer. My cousin told me in a 2-hour conversation day before yesterday on the phone that once she got lost and she got off the interstate and then she couldn't find the interstate to get back on and she stopped and sat behind the wheel and prayed that the Lord would direct her back to the interstate and she put her car in gear and drove off and she made a left turn onto a dirt road and then she could see the interstate

  3. Big believer in the power of prayer. It was a very smart prayer and it was answered.

  4. I'm a big believer in the power of prayer and specific prayers too. God knows what our needs are before we even ask. His answers aren't always the way we want them to be but He knows what is best for us. Sometimes we need to be careful to remember that God doesn't have a magic wand to grant our every "Wish".
