Thursday, June 19, 2014

Remembering May 2014: Visiting Georgia tribe

On our way north for a Virginia wedding, Husband Walter and I visited with our son Walt and family in Georgia.

We were able to catch both girls’ dance recitals, all four grands’ competitive swim practice, some girly movies ordered on TV for granddaughters and me, Monopoly marathons by Baboo and grandsons, and an afternoon at the neighborhood pool.

Stella’s cake choice for a second May birthday celebration

On Saturday May 31, Stella took the traditional birthday trip to Walmart with Baboo. When we are not able to celebrate in person, Baboo and I have a “mini-celebration” whenever we next see the birthday grand. 

Stella’s birthday was earlier in May, but she was definitely still in a celebratory spirit as she picked out a confetti cake and ice cream the flavor of what else but birthday cake.

Helpful big brother Nate does the candle-lighting honors.

Making a wish

Six-year-old Stella snuggles with Baboo after a chilly morning competitive swim team practice.

Luke ponders strategy in water gun battle during an afternoon at the pool.

We savored experiencing the rhythm of the household’s summer days. And we hit the road again happy with the chance to join grandchildren’s activities and conversations and laughter with Walt and daughter-in-law Sarah.


  1. What a very active family and how neat you got to enjoy all those activities. Neat that she could milk her birthday for so long. She looks very serious about her wish. Hope she gets it.

  2. beautiful cake and i love the photo of Stella in her red cap.. two beautiful grands and a yummm cake

  3. You really made the most of this visit! You were able to catch so many important activities! Stella is beautiful, and she looks very contemplative while thinking of her wish.

  4. Precious grands! That confetti cake looks so delicious. And birthday cake ice cream? That is my hands-down favorite flavor. Stella has great taste. :)

  5. OMG. I think that is the most beautiful birthday cake I have ever seen. If the cake was yellow, I could eat the whole thing. Not that I am dieting or anything. Great photos of wonderful grandchildren. You must be very proud of them. Congratulations to Stella!

  6. Happy birthday to your granddaughter. Beautiful cake.

  7. You sure had a wonderful time with the family. That cake looks good. The grandchildren are just beautiful. You are blessed.

  8. How truly lucky that you were able to spend real time with the family. I imagine you also now use modern means like Skype or the like to share moments.
