Sunday, January 19, 2014


Grandson Nate was interviewing me via Skype for a school assignment yesterday. As I responded to questions about my childhood, I got a kick out of watching nine-year-old Nate’s unconscious mouth gymnastics as he concentrated on writing down answers to the questions.

“Walter, come watch Nate’s mouth,” I whispered to Hubby. On the screen Nate’s mouth immediately quirked into the tiniest of smiles. I was busted.

“You heard that, didn’t you,” I asked.

“Sort of,” he said. Evidently that microphone in the MacBook Pro picks up much better than I had realized.

But a quick visit with a grandson via Skype is much better than no visit at all, even if I was caught in the act of gushing over said grandson’s endearing mannerism’s.

Youngsters involve their entire bodies when they are concentrating. That really is totally living in the moment.

 Nate concentrates, totally in an October 2013 moment.


  1. I always colored with my tongue out going back and forth... he sure is cute and totally focused on his pumpkin

  2. I'm a bad grandma, when my grandson interviewed me for a school project I went off on a tangent. I just hope he isn't scarred for life. Dianne

    PS you are a good grandma, I can tell.

  3. Ah grandchildren - what a blessing! And thank goodness for Skype too. Nate looks so serious concentrating here.

  4. I have Skype and tried it twice. However, my grandkids just didn't have the patience to sit in front of the computer. Lol.

  5. This post reminds me of when our youngest interviewed Ed's dad for a school project :)

    Children, at work, can be very entertaining. Some more than others :) Our Madison is very animated.

  6. Love the concentration.
    How fun to stay in touch with the Grands via Skype. It certainly is better than no visit.
    Have a great day Linda.

  7. Don't you just love that we are able to have these face to face times with our grandchildren when we are miles apart? He is so cute. Love his concentration.

  8. Marvelous to be able to share this time with him,.

  9. ids are fun. Natural and uninhibited, they never worry about how they might look to anyone else.

    Enjoy their skype faces.

  10. Great to see you having such fun.

  11. I've just been interviewed by a grandson who lives far away from me, too. Technology is great to keep us in touch.
