Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hometown Mardi Gras 2013

Faces of Mardi Gras
Husband Walter and I are not enamored with crowds, but we attended the Ocean Springs, Mississippi, Mardi Gras parade this afternoon for the first time in a long while. When we returned home I was trying to remember when the local Elks Lodge launched the annual event.

Was it as much as a decade ago? Regardless of when it first rolled, we enjoyed the family-friendly, hometown celebration today.
Young spectators get acquainted with Izzy Bell before the parade.

I went online to check how long the Elks have been giving our town its own parade. A local online news article noted this was Ocean Springs’ 38th Mardi Gras parade.

Yikes. Several decades slipped past pretty fast there.

From where I sit, behind the crowd
Weather was warm and sunny, so Walter set up our camping chairs in the shade of a large live oak. That put us behind the crowds, but the face-painting vendor in front of us drew a swarm of parents and kids that made people watching an entertainment smorgasbord.
Mom and daughter capture a Mardi Gras memory.

A parade perch in a crepe myrtle


  1. It looks like a great time was had by all. I can't believe it is Mardi Gras time already. It comes really early this year.

  2. What great captures! I love the boy you found who can look down on it all!

  3. i like your words, entertainment smorgasbord..and love the shot with Izzy bell

  4. The kids and dog are awfully cute. Glad you and Walter had such a good time!

  5. I love hometown, family friendly things like parades. I'm glad you were able to get out and enjoy the nice weather and interesting things to see.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  6. I love the painted faces of the children. Happy days for all of you. Dianne

  7. If your weather was as gorgeous as ours, on Saturday, it was perfect for parade watching!

    Love the little girl's face paintings!
