Saturday, November 24, 2012

The season begins

At right is the Christmas Bunny, AKA Grandaughter Molly Kate, with her cousin Stella, our other four-year old grand, sporting evidence of the banana-split ice cream Baboo dished out.

Our little part of the Skupien clan usually celebrates Thanksgiving on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day. This year, however, the holidays merged a bit. Instead of a Thanksgiving meal, we shared a light, casual lunch, anticipating the annual Christmas gathering of our extended family of Skupien relatives Friday evening.

Scheduling was a bit sudden, which helped increase my enjoyment as I had little time to dither about what to get for the adults’ Dirty Santa gift exchange or what to bring for the communal feast. In fact, the younger generation had taken over all the organizing and we adults and the not-yet-adult cousins had a wonderful time last night.

Thank you to all the adult Skupien kids!

We still had time early Friday afternoon for our grands to play together and to decorate the Christmas tree, a day-after Thanksgiving tradition now in its third year. More photos to come on that.

Our blogging daughter-in-law Katie and I shared a collective moan about how behind we both are on our respective blogs. Katie does a better job of keeping posts in the chronological order of special events and every-day moments in her children’s lives.

But we both blog so that we don’t forget things. She records memories of what her family is experiencing in these early days of Molly Kate and Walker’s childhoods. I blog to record memories of my thoughts and experiences in this retirement stage of life.

I will eventually finish posting about our recent travels and at-home observations, hopefully before we take off on another jaunt planned for early December.

Oh, about that Christmas bunny in the photo: Donning bunny masks at nearly every visit is a tradition started and carried forward by our youngest grands. My mother-in-law, Grandma Sugar, a veteran bargain shopper, gifted the little ones with packs of the masks several Easters ago. The masks reside with the toys at our house until grands visit. I am always amazed that the masks have endured so long.

Thank you, Grandma Sugar for sparking fun and helping your great grandchildren make happy memories.


  1. Oh, I do wish my grands lived closer. But since the youngest is nearly 12, that sort of fun is past now. They are fun, just not into masks, I suspect!

  2. So glad to hear that you and yours had a nice holiday get-together! Wow, another trip planned in December, lucky you :)

  3. this is several wonderful family traditions and it is good to record them to jog memories years from now.

  4. Blogging is a great way to remember things. Your grandchildren will really appreciate the effort some day, hopefully.

    How nice Molly Kate and Stella have each other. Almost like being sisters but better. Dianne
