Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The art of concentration

High among the joys of retirement are special moments with grandchildren. Sharing a Saturday afternoon and evening of artistic endeavors with 25-month-old Molly Kate was a treat.

Molly Kate works on her first flower arrangement.
When I set up a snack container as a vase for the blooms she had picked, she approached the new experience of flower arranging with all the aplomb and concentration of a veteran florist. Of course the process, not the final product, was paramount. Once she had the white clover and sprigs of tiny yellow installed to her satisfaction, she then proceeded to take them all out.

Earlier, she had engaged me in some of her regular activities. We decorated the driveway with sidewalk chalk drawings; we visited the neighbors’ metal flowers and their Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh statuary; we picked flowers. Through it all, Molly Kate kept the commentary, and a two-way conversation, going non-stop about everything we were doing and everything we saw. When it came to arranging her flowers, it was fun watching her so engrossed that she forgot to talk.
Molly Kate concentrates on taming an uncooperative bloom.

Bath time included art with special crayons. My job was to wipe off her drawings when she finished with one color. She let me know when I was to swing into action.
Molly Kate ponders her art.
She was quite specific that her artistic vision demanded monochrome expression. No mixing of colors, thank you. This little artist was also not shy about explaining her images.

Molly Kate works on a portrait of Baboo (her grandfather and my husband).


  1. Precious moments...and pictures. She's adorable. I was just discussing those bath crayons with my daughter-in-law...and how it's hard to explain that "it's okay to color on the wall beside the tub with these crayons, but not in the living room with regular crayons"...LOL

  2. Thanks so much for keeping Molly Kate for us last weekend! She had a ball with her Nana and Baboo and talked about ya'll for days after you left! Love the pics of her and the flowers! Hope to see ya'll again soon!

  3. @Katie: Loved it and still enjoying reminding each other of incidents that set us to laughing. Good, good medicine!
