Monday, January 1, 2024

Missing in Action

Hope to catch up soon with the blogs that I have loved to visit. 

Hubby is still periodically scheduling a bit of travel, but these days away-from-home trips are usually followed by several weeks of "recuperation." 

Our recuperation weeks still include travel, local that is. 

There's church, Bible study groups, doctors' visits, and meeting with friends and relatives at Coffee Fusion, and more doctors' appointments. 

I am also attempting to become reacquainted with this laptop and the changes in how things work online.

Maybe I could "rent" a neighbor five-year-old to help me catch up with the technology.



  1. I have a new computer and believe me I understand.

  2. I sure need a 5 year old to help me too.
    So glad to see you back on Blogger..I have missed you.
    This aging process and all that goes along with it is sometimes difficult to deal with. Glad I have made it to 80 and my other half to 82. We will just keep plugging along.

  3. Your days are filled with things I do also, church, Bible study, coffee with friends at favorite coffee shop, appointments. Happy New Year.

  4. it is good to see you pop up here. tech changes rapidly and a period of time away is hard to catch up with the changes. We missed you, hope you can figure it out. glad to hear you are out and about. we have become stay at home do nothings. i shop for needs, he goes to gas station once every 6 months, he puts 20 miles per week on truck, going to YMCA to swim 3 times a week and i put 20 on mine shopping and taking him to doctor visits. that is the only thing we do. we are living under a rock

  5. It's good to see you. (I've missed you and keep popping over to check if you've posted anything.)
    I could use one of those tech savvy kids to help me out as well.
    Wishing you and your hubby a very blessed, happy, and healthy New Year.

  6. Your days sound very similar to mine. Always a lot to do. Travel is a must to keep my sanity. Technology is definitely something I could use a few classes with. Especially having an Apple laptop. Hope you have a great Friday.

  7. You are so right about trying to keep up with techy changes!!! I have a hard time, too!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog again.
    Yes we are so very blessed

  9. Yes, renting a child is a good idea! They seem to know all the latest tech! Our outings seem to only consist of grocery shopping and doctor's appointments. Last week we had one every day.

  10. Thanks for visiting. I took a photography class over the weekend and learned so much about the settings on my phone. A little learning is great.
