Friday, April 18, 2014

Reasons to rejoice

A therapeutic bridge (Photo by Walter Skupien)

Ten of today’s blessings (Thursday, 4/10/2014):

- Sunshine;

- Catching up with walking buddy Ann;

- Making it to 0.7-mile marker on the Biloxi Bay Bridge pedestrian path;

- After-walk coffee, tea, conversation and laughter at Coffee Fusion with Ann and my husband Walter;

Bradley (Photo by Walter Skupien)

- Bradley, our excellent roofer and a fledgling author, stopping by to visit us at Coffee Fusion when he didn’t find us at home;

- Our big ole burgundy high-rise van that alerts Bradley (and other friends) of our whereabouts when they are inclined to make an impromptu visit;

- News that Bradley is pursuing his writing while continuing to do well with his carpentry and construction business;

- Re-admission to occupational neuro rehab therapy for another seven or eight sessions;

- Tales, laughter and tasty calories for dinner at McElroy’s Seafood Restaurant with Hubby’s siblings and their spouses; and

- The energy to enjoy the day’s events from good morning to good night! 

Reasons to rejoice always surround me, but I don’t always acknowledge them. When in such an unreceptive condition, it takes a conscious choice to invest effort in recognizing and articulating blessings.

It never fails, though, that once I start the listing exercise, I become aware of more and more things to be happy about and thankful for.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV


  1. I am seeing all kinds of uplifting posts this evening, yours being one. Sounds like Thursday was a great day for you; thank you for sharing it with us. Wishing you a blessed Easter!!

  2. You are indeed blessed to have fought such a catastrophic event and come out of it with courage and as a shining example to everyone. What a fight you had to get to this point.

  3. I can second all that! Blessings! Aloha from Hawaii.

  4. I love that verse and now I will be singing the song, this is the day the Lord has made. had not thought of the song in years. and now you have another thing to be grateful for, you can't hear me singing. LOL.
    Ann is beautiful, great shot of both your friends.. also great and uplifting, inspiring post

  5. Amen, sister. Your ten reasons are great to read about. Blessings on you and yours. Happy Easter.

  6. Thanks for the reminder. I always feel better after I check in here.

  7. Your post is inspiring! Thanks for reminding me to always try to look on the bright side!
