Sunday, August 26, 2012

Anniversary #45

My guy
Husband Walter and I are celebrating 45 years of marriage today. We have always been a bit casual about anniversaries. That fact has never bothered me. I have been blessed with a mate who regularly works on preserving and strengthening the glue of our relationship.

That doesn’t mean we haven’t ever been beset by insidious solvents that are capable of dissolving the glue. But regular “glue maintenance” and dependence on a faithful and sovereign God has given us the joy of both spontaneous and planned celebrations of life throughout the year.

So today I celebrate life with one of those rare men, a guy who “sticks” through good times and bad, who has never stopped growing in all aspects of life, who accepts me with all my irritating faults, who encourages me and engages me in adventures I would never have enjoyed on my own. He is God’s gift to me.

Happy anniversary, hubby!


  1. Happy 45th to both of you and enjoy your day. we don't celebrate either, we usually have lunch out that day, and do the same on our birthdays.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Next month, my husband and I celebrate our 43rd anniversary. We're pretty casual, too, with the exceptions of a few anniversaries along the way, although I sometimes longed for him to make a bigger deal of the day or enjoy it more when I did. However, for the last couple of years, my husband has willingly and even cheerfully dealt with the changes that my illness has dealt our lives, including my inability to get out much. Voila! Now his willingness to stay home and lack of interest in big occasions has turned into a strength! Who knew?

  3. Walt is a great guy, and truly, he is God's gift to you. Happy Anniversary!

  4. What a sweet photo of your hubby. I used to be in love with a Walter back in the 1970s. But, I am married to David now. We've been married 32 years.


  5. Happy Anniversary. I too have been blessed as you know. So wonderful after a lifetime of travil to find peace. Blessings to you both and take care with the storm. Dianne

  6. So nice, both the anniversary and the sweet husband. I'm so happy for you both!

    My very good friends here just celebrated 45 years a week ago. This is something I'm sincerely jealous about. I miss having someone with whom to celebrate such wonderful mile markers. It's good envy. :)

  7. Wishing a belated Happy Anniversary to you and your sweet Walter! 45 years is quite an accomplishment :)

    Also hoping that you stay safe and dry during "Isaac".

  8. I came across your post just after I wrote my post about our 41st wedding anniversary. Congratulations. We are casual about our celebrations too, but I didn't know how to say it so I said nothing about it. I guess that means that we don't have a big party nor give each other gifts. I count each day as gift! It sounds like you do too. Ou might enjoy my poem that I wrote - You never did that before!

  9. I forgot to give you my link:
