Friday, August 7, 2020

Time Flies

 Computer woes, travel, doctor's appointments: I have let anything and everything keep me away from blogging. 

What I thought would be a week or so has turned into months. I am using Hubby's new laptop for this post. After finally successfully navigating to Blogger, I just discovered that that, too, has changed. 

I have missed everyone and am both hopeful and fearful about  what has transpired in your lives during my weeks of MIA . 

As I attempt to catch up with everyone, I am comforted that there is no distance in prayer. That I can still do. No computer skills required! 


  1. Dear LC, many of us, I suspect, have been less l likely to post on our blogs than in the past. There's no real "new" normal as things keep changing. So just know that whenever you can post, your thoughts will be appreciated. Peace.

  2. Good to see you back! I hope you can get your computer fixed soon.

  3. welcome back, the worst things have gotten the more i have blogged, i hae been clutching on to blogging like a woman grabbing a life saver..

  4. I want to say that nothing new has happened... numbers keep going up it seems (regarding active cases). Just when we think they might be leveling off, they seem to spike again. And since we are basically still sheltering, not much changes. But it is nice to have an outlet like blogging to share our concerns. Welcome back!

  5. So glad to see this post...I have been wondering what is going on in your life.

  6. Welcome back. Good to see you in my reading list.
    Sadly, we seem to be stuck in same ole, same ole these days. Not much going on.

  7. Oh yay !!!
    So glad to see you back on again. I have to admit I have been concerned.
    Blogger is always changing so hang on to your hat and keep on blogging.
    Missed you tons.

  8. So many people seem to have disappeared from Blogger this past year and with the virus all over, I am concerned when I have not seen their posts for a few months. I am glad to read that you are OK and other than computer woes (that is going around also), you are doing well.
