Thursday, February 6, 2020

Popular Path

A memory recorded in sand

Even though rain and cold have kept Hubby and me off our town’s paved beach walk lately, my iPhone photo of September 22, 2019, supplies a happy memory.

Hope your February will be filled with blue skies and precious moments!


  1. I wish we could take some of that rain from you...we need some badly.
    It's hard to be stuck in the house...I hope the weather cooperates soon for you.
    Today is clear and bright blue skies and the temps are a whopping 40F. at 10:30 AM....Pretty but not a good sign for needing snow in our Mountains just 2 hours away...

    1. We are enjoying a sunny day today with temperatures in the 50s! Thinking of you when we pass some varieties of camellias still in bloom in older neighborhoods. Vibrant reds, pinks and whites. A few azaleas have a few blooms. In a few weeks they will be full bloom.

  2. It is beautiful in a way! Very intricate.

  3. I love this! have never seen a path with that many markings. great capture of a moment in time

  4. Many had passed that way. Love the impressions and think of the stories behind them.

  5. This would make the neatest design for a batik fabric! I just love it.

  6. Photos are so great at keeping those memories alive. I love that.

  7. A paved beach walk sounds heavenly! Hopefully you can get back to walking when the weather permits.
