Thursday, October 2, 2014


I will never again post about a book I haven’t read, even if I did enjoy previous books by the author and Amazon offers the Kindle version for free. Since my previous post here, I have started reading Snow on Magnolias, and I am disappointed with the multitude of grammatical errors and poorly developed plot and characters.

The first book that I read in the same author's Bon Amie series was Under the Sassafras. I liked it. It engaged me with the story and the characters; but even so, I don’t think I could have been oblivious to such errors as I have encountered in Snow on Magnolias. Could an unedited draft have been accidentally published? I apologize to anyone who ordered it based on my post.


  1. Hey, it was free. Don't feel too badly. Hopefully no one paid for it if it changed status. There were a ton of errors and I had to stop reading it for that reason. I may check out some other books by this author, though. You should write a review on Amazon to alert others. Whenever I see reviews stating spelling/grammatical errors, I look for another book.

  2. i did get it but have not looked at it yet. i have had several books that were so bad i could not read them. not sure if they slip through or not. but one of them disappeared off of amazon, i went back to look at it and it was gone... they probably pulled it.

  3. I have found often with Kindle that sometimes a book I ordered a while ago but haven't read yet will suddenly show as having a revised edition in my "manage my Kindle" page. You can then have the revised edition downloaded. I'd check the negative reviews. Often the author will reply to the negative comments that an edited version is available for free download. Good luck.

  4. I've been similarly disappointed with authors' earliest books now available on kindle. A lesson worth learning, but no harm done.
    Freda from Dalamory
