Thursday, May 21, 2020

Garden Oops!

Accidental leaf lettuce

Hubby says I like to grub in the dirt. He is right.

I enjoy puttering around with vegetable gardening. 

Although the first year in our new home was busy with settling in and traveling, I did manage to start a compost pile.

Our home in the woods has few sunny spots. It is also on sloping terrain that is not friendly for navigating with my rollator. 

But going on our fourth year in residence, and with the days of cool weather slipping away, I was determined to get at least some leaf lettuce seeds planted. 

No space prepared? No problem. Just drop a few seeds in the compost pile. 

I was sure I could do that with my rollator within reach if I needed help maintaining balance.

I found a packet of leaf lettuce seeds at Walmart.
Back home I cut the top off the seed packet. With my rollator locked and within reach, I bent over to sprinkle a few seeds in the shallow furrow I had made. 

A gentle shake and Arghhhhh! 

All the seeds dumped out, every one of them. They were so black I couldn't differenciate seeds from compost. I scratched around a bit hoping to spread them out.

I missed.

Even after my awkward mishap the lettuce finally appeared--a 3x6-inch patch of bright green leaves. Although those leaves did grow bigger, they still fell short of providing the quantity we consume in salads.

But their contribution was beyond nutritional. I had actually planted and harvested something. And even better was  laughter that erupted every time I glanced toward the little clump that was my "garden." 

I will soon be ordering Red Sails lettuce seeds. No more mystery seeds!

September or October at the latest I hope to be planting lettuce again. And Hubby has been busy preparing a larger space for veggies. 

I hope "grubbing in the dirt," even as I face challenges, will continue to be part of my life!



  1. It must be very hardy! Glad you didn't tip over! How long did it take it to sprout?

    1. Seems like my ability to recall an accurate timeline of activities has gotten even worse during this COVI-19 era--or error--as some maintain. But sprouting didn't take long and with warmer weather that little patch is now history.

  2. Oh Linda, I sure love the way you look at life.
    There is no stopping you..I love your Grubbing in the dirt....
    Dave and I do a lot of Puttering so I can appreciate your Grubbing
    We just heard a very loud POP in our house. We were each in different rooms. Can't find anything that made the exploding can goods, all electrical still working, no strange smells...I haven't a clue.
    The temp. inside the house is only 68* and outside is about the same??????
    Creepy not being able to figure it out.
    To be continued..maybe...

    1. Mysterious pops are always disconcerting. I'll be waiting to hear the rest of this story! Here's hoping for happy endings!

    2. After Dave and I made the rounds trying to figure out what made the very loud pop, I went back to the cupboard in our hall..We use it as a pantry. It smelled faintly like mandarin oranges.
      So I started moving around the can goods on one of the shelves. There in the back was a small can of mandarin oranges on its side with the top exploded. Needless to say there was juice and fruit spreading all over the shelf. What a sticky mess but now I have a clean and straightened shelf. If it was hot and maybe shaky I could understand the pop but temps were cool and I had not been in the back of the shelf for quite some time..maybe that's the reason...Mandarin Death by Oldness !!!

  3. I do miss grubbing in the dirt. That is funny about your 3X6 inch garden but it is 3X6 inches bigger than mine this year. That it can make you and us smile makes it a success.

    1. Blogging friends like you are examples for me to keep harvesting joys wherever and whenever I can.

  4. The best part about this is that you can laugh about it. At least you tried.

  5. I do miss having a garden. My mother had a small backyard garden when I was growing up and so enjoyed eating what came out of our yard. Look forward to seeing the rest of your harvest.

  6. It is just fun to watch something grow...and at least you had something to watch and could add it to your salad. You do so good too keep going and doing with your rollator. I admire your determination.

    And maybe the laughter that results every time you see it is better than if it was spaced just so, etc.

  7. It is fun to watch things grow, and this experience seem to have given you something to smile about as well.
