Sunday, December 29, 2019

Looking Back

I started a post before Thanksgiving after visiting a blog celebrating the blogger’s post number 2000.

I enjoy her blog and her memories prodded me to take a look at my first post, “New to Blogging.” 

With all the changes life has brought in the past decade since my first post, one thing has not changed. Being concise is still a challenge for this blogger! 

Blessings in the new year!



  1. I have been blogging since 2011 and if I lived another 30 years, I would never come close to 2000 posts. That is quite an accomplishment for that blogger. Other than not writing as often now, I have noticed that my style has changed and posts are shorter and I like them better. I used to go on way too long.

    I hope 2020 is kind to you.

  2. 3698 on MadSnapper and 923 on the dog blog..i did not check the 3rd blog. this proves I spend to much time on the computer. I can't seem to be short OR concise, but long winded and rambling. when I started in 09, they were one pic and a few words. some were along the road I got more verbals and more pic.
    Happy New year, if you had not had your health issues you might have hit the 2000 also

  3. Goodness, I am impressed at 2000 posts. I have a bit over 870 and know I'll never reach 2000 especially at one a week.
    Happy New Year LC

  4. I just went back to see how many posts on Blogger I have done since beginning about 13 years ago.
    I am at 1967 with today's post.
    It seems I post less in the last few years but still enjoy doing it.
    Obviously I ramble and am way too wordy most of the time.
    I'm so glad that we have made friends through this medium and certainly want it to continue.
    May your New Decade be one filled with joy, health and laughter.
    Happy New Year!!!!

  5. This is something I could blog about...both blogs are over 2,000 and only a few about Roger's stroke and my fall are the same on both blogs...
