Thursday, July 25, 2019

End of an Era

Our camping boxes for more than five decades

Before the advent of plastic two-liter containers for soft drinks, boxes’ like the ones above were designed to transport quart-sized, glass bottles of Coca-Cola. 

When we were planning our first long camping trip in the 1970s we found that the heavy duty, reinforced Coke boxes were perfect for our extended camping adventure. At 50 cents per box they also fit our tight budget. 

A trip to our local Coca-Cola bottling plant and we came home with five or six, maybe more, with the classic Coke colors and logo. 

We finally found a vehicle, a cargo van, that Hubby could repurpose for camping and that we could afford. He used those boxes to determine the height our bed would be when he retrofitted the van to be our new home away from home.

We used those boxes to corral nonperishable food, cooking  gear, utensils, and other necessities of life on the road. They proved handy to slide in and out from under the bed as needed. They were with us on that first trip and every camping trip since, whether weekend excursions or trips of  several weeks, a month or more. 

As the years passed the classic Coke colors of the boxes faded and frequent use added stains. Gradually they also began to disintegrate until there were only two. 

After our most recent 9-day trip to the mountains earlier in July, those last two Coke boxes are being retired. I can’t even fuss that Hubby has the raggedy things sitting on a  sofa in our house. I know he will eventually decide what he will do with them.

And every time I pass by they tug at my heart, provoking memories of countless adventures in every season of our family life. They also give rise to the reality that those particular seasons of life are closed. 

Now is the season to savor life with our grown offspring, grown nieces and nephews and our growing grandchildren and great nieces and nephews. 

 Life is good!



  1. those boxes are worth money, sell them on ebay or Facebook. anything with coke logo is sellable. or put them on display in your home to jog up precious memories. what a fun life you have had, we have been talking aobut what we USED to do also... nevermore, nevermore

  2. Wonderful memories in those boxes. I'd probably save the ends with the COKE on them and like Sandra said, display them.

  3. Those iconic boxes must bring back many wonderful memories for sure. I'm surrounded by items in our home that do the same. I would like to declutter, but our granddaughter wants us to keep everything the same. She says she feels comfortable in our home just the way it is. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I'm pleased to meet you and I wish you and your hubby all the best in this new season of your lives. Enjoy precious family moments.

  4. Oh what wonderful memories you have there. I totally agree with Sandra..those things are worth money!
    The Coke Logo makes them desirable.
    Isn't it funny how looking at something can bring back such a flood of memories?
    Maybe your life style has changed a bt and you won't be doing all the things just the way you used to but you have dear family and will continue to enjoy Life through their eyes and new adventures for you too.
    Go when you can,
    Do what you can
    Enjoy it with your whole heart.

  5. I don't think I could bare to part with them...just because of all the memories they evoke. I really enjoyed this post.

  6. I have missed reading your blogs somehow as they did not pop up in my feed but happy to find you while commenting on Patti’s blog.
    We had a few camping adventure with little Buddy. He was nine and 12 when his sisters were born and by then we were ready for motor tours to cheap motels as our girls were challenging to keep safe at a camp ground. Also we had bought an investment farm in the late 80’s and that was where we would hang out for many weekends and holidays until the we’re late teenagers. The farm was sold in 2005. We still miss it but life moves on. Grandkids live in UK so now we travel there or they show up here. We never had cokecrates. We hardly drank coke. Kids do or maybe Pepsi? We are sparkling water fans. And now we move stuff in big rubbermaid containers. We will be moving this year so lots to do.

  7. Ah all those wonderful camping memories. We treasure them all. Ad Mrs T. and it peruse our albums and still can recognize the while passing the time in memory care...:)

  8. I don't think I could part with them! I bet ya'll had a ton of fun on those camping trips. Still one of my favorite things to do, but so much work!

  9. It is sad to me to look back.I miss the days when my kids were really little because they were good days. But now is good too. They are a little older, still babies to me, but there is goodness in each season.
