Monday, September 21, 2015

Karate master

Walker at work (Photo collage by Action Hero Graphics)

Our youngest grandchild, five-year-old Walker, is an enthusiastic student of martial arts. When we visit, he likes to demonstrate his karate moves, often to music his sister Molly Kate ramps up for dancing.

Some of Walker’s movements are more the result of his interest in popular super heroes than his afterschool instruction.

The photo collage above, borrowed from his dad’s Facebook post, captures Walker engaged in some of  the “official” martial arts skills he has learned.

Yes, I am a proud grandma!

Thank you to Kathy, Barb, Sandra and Friko for the welcome back to blogland.


  1. he looks serious... and it is good exercise and he is adorable. my great nephew is in 4th grade and he just got his black belt. has been in it since he was 5 i think

  2. Oh, my goodness! Walker has gotten so big! I love his poster very much, and you have every right to be a proud grandma :)

    Kathy (Reflections by Kathy)

  3. That Walker is so cute, but I see he has a stern look to go with some of his poses. Three of mine started taking lessons at 5 and by 11 earned their Black Belts.

  4. Oh my goodness, I'm so glad to see you back again.
    You have been sorely missed.

  5. A little bird told me I should check up on you, so here I am. It is good to see you back where we can all share ur strength, experience and hope. Dianne
