Wednesday, May 30, 2012

One Stroky’s Journey: Gray-Day Meds

Austin, Texas, novelist and blogger Ruth Pennebaker’s humorous post about her relief from a recent gray day gave me a refreshing attitude adjustment just now.

Over the past several weeks I have had my own gray days, the result of a toe issue that restricted my walking to moderate movement around my home. I missed walks on the beach with walking buddies. But I also missed being able to keep up with laundry and the few other chores I had finally taken over since my stroke last year.

I really hadn’t given much thought to my “gray-day” attitude. But Ruth’s entertaining saga led to the realization that walking must provide major release of endorphins into my system. But laundry? What does getting a high from doing laundry say about me?

I guess it is evidence that my ambitions don’t run toward saving the world, just keeping husband Walter and me in clean clothes!

Panini, good for what ails me

And thank goodness for my hubby. Husband Walter is administering a happy dose of another gray-day prescription right now. After excellent dental visits this morning, meaning pain free visits, hubby has taken me to Coffee Fusion. We both have on clean clothes, by the way. We imbibed our favorite coffee and tea orders and caught up on computer time. And just now hubby ordered a panini lunch that we will split.

Hubby is a master at tempting me with food as mood-altering medication. Over the past few days among the temptations were fresh strawberries and ice cream, wonderful fresh salads, a steak dinner. I have to say his steak tastes wonderful, even though he prepares mine sans salt.

Then of course there is the righteous feeling from taking measures to combat high blood pressure. I read an article listing ways to lower blood pressure naturally. On the list was eating dark chocolate. Woohoo!

 Food as medicine is a definite pattern here. I love it, but overdosing is a distinct possibility.

Beyond gastronomic therapy for gray-day tendencies, my toe is healing nicely and a short walk on the beach path should be back on my agenda tomorrow. Time to end your visit, Mr. Gray Day!


  1. The panini looks absolutely wonderful! What was in it? You are blessed that to have a husband who knows how to cook, as well. I am glad your toe is getting better.

  2. Yum, I love panini sandwiches. At least you split it. I would have eaten the entire thing.

    I understand that gray day feeling. Chocolate works. One piece of dark chocolate, Dove Chocolate, a day is a great boost to me.

  3. So glad Mr Gray Day is taking a hike and that the toes are feeling better. I am about mowing the lawn as you are about laundry.
    Get a fish tank. Watching fish is known to lower your BP and offers no calories.

  4. I'm so glad your toe is feeling better :)and you are out and about!

    Oh how I'd love to be walking on that beach path with you today! Ed promised me a beach trip (for Mother's Day), but the weekend weather and my health issues haven't been cooperating lately!

    Although we have our share of "gray days", you and I are so blessed to have understanding mates who are willing and able to help make those days pass. Of course, a little ice cream doesn't hurt either!

  5. I would love to have some strawberries and ice cream right now. Yummy, as my grandson would say. Lol. Glad your toe is improving and that you will soon be on the beach.

  6. your husband is a mastermind at how to lift your spirits, you are blessed to have him. hope that toe gets back o normal soon. woo hoo on the chocolate thing

  7. You got me to thinking. My BP was 106/70 last visit with Doc. Wonder if it was the Dove chocolate I was eating before I went on WW. Too bad, I only get 30 points per day on this diet, so I have to give up latte or chocolate. Hopefully the latte does as much good.

    Your panini sadwich looks good. David and I split foods also.

    Grey Days... I had a few and now the sun is out. I always tell myself things are going to be better tommorrow. Thanks for the lift.

