Monday, January 3, 2011

Answered prayers in process

My mother’s family doctor sent her to the hospital today after an office visit for a problem with shortness of breath that was getting worse.

Thankfully, three doctors -- her family doctor, the doctor who makes the hospital visits for the family doc’s patients, and her kidney doctor, all have a  “Let’s get this fixed” attitude. All three have made a positive difference in my mother's health in the past.

Blessing #2 was my brother Mike's and my mother's assurances that she is already feeling better, now on oxygen in the hospital.

Blessing #3 was my brother’s extending his holiday visit, keeping on top of all things medical, and giving Mother the loving support she needs during this particular health challenge. Making that stay possible was the willingness of his wife Sonya and offspring to make the drive from Mississippi to their home in Virginia sans Mike -- husband, father and principal driver.

And #4 is a husband who helps calm my panic.

Thank you, God.


  1. I am so glad you have lots of loved ones around to help you get through this. It seems that the doctors have a very hopeful outlook. I will keep your mom in my prayers tonight for a return to good health and a speedy discharge. Please keep us informed.

  2. you are blessed with wonderful family. keep us posted on your mother, we care.
